Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Fall Garden

It's been a while since I posted, I guess we've been busy lately. We've actually taken the first tentative steps towards the home-buying process. I don't know how anyone can concentrate on life when your mind is buzzing with such a huge decision. Hopefully we'll find something before next spring so I can still plant a garden next year.

This year's garden is definitely winding down. Here are some of the last fruits of the year.

Banana peppers, turning a nice cherry red in anticipation of the fiery fall leaves:

Green onions, completely showing up their performance from this spring:

Radish peeking through the dirt:

Sad looking eggplant with his last two fruits (the birds love to use these bare branches as a perch):

My orphan tomato plant, finally producing a few stunted tomatoes:

It's been a great year, all things considered. I learned a lot from my adventures in the garden. I'm even more excited to try some new varieties next year. For now I'm just going to have to be patient until this house thing pans out. That will determine whether or not I'm planting in containers again, or if I will finally be able to till up some soil and get serious.